A Long Way Off Movie Watch Online

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A Long Way Off Movie Watch OnlineA Long Way Off Movie Watch Online

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Download A Long Way Down (2. YIFY Torrent for 1. The Reviews for A Long Way Down (2. A nice comedy- drama about suicide. Reviewed by. Bo Atdrinks. Vote: 9/1. 0The trailer suggested this film was a light, but moving film, about suicidal people who help each other to find a future worth living for. And so it turned out too.

Film opens with Pierce Brosnan playing TV celebrity Martin Sharp, who has decided to kill himself. This is explained by Mr Brosnan in his narration accompanying the opening action scenes. A tacky and tasteless sex- scandal, has destroyed his life and so he decides to end it. Well prepared for this, he is interrupted by Maureen, played by Toni Collette, who is on the same mission. Jess, played by Imogen Poots, is a third would- be suicide who joins them. Finally a fourth, JJ, played by Aaron Paul joins too. Their suicides being interrupted, they decide not to kill themselves, and thus our story unfolds.

The story was written by Nick Hornby, who has previously written 'Fever Pitch' and 'About a Boy', both of which have been made into films. Thus Nick Hornby, in his books, delivers a believable true- life London, as does Richard Curtis in his films like 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' (1. Notting Hill' (1. About Time' from last year. The people are believable, despite the narrow social- set (excepting the obligatory, and token, American).

The attempted suicides story becomes public, a media storm ensues, made even more interesting by a connection to Chris Crichton MP. Our would- be suicides, now in a no- suicide pact, resolve to control the story, thus Martin Sharp returns to his TV sofa, along with the three others. After the interview they plan to escape the media by going on holiday. Some critics have decided that Pierce Brosnan has become a good actor.

However this reviewer has been impressed with Mr Brosnan ever since his silent, smiling, semi- naked, swimming- trunk wearing, appearance out of the swimming- pool, in 'The Long Good Friday' (1. In this film, 'ALWD', he impresses with his early narration, and accent, throughout the film. It is not Bob Hoskins, but it is an authentic London accent. His acting too is convincing. The other three would- be suicides also give believable performances. Young Mr Paul plays an extremely irritating character. So too does young Miss Poots.

However her character also has an equal amount of sweetness too. She exudes fragility and vulnerability, thus love for her, and her love for others, is what moves along the plot.

She rightly deserves her top billing. Both these young leads have a decent back- catalogue of work. So too does Miss Collette, who incidentally also appeared in the film 'About a Boy'. All three of their characters are given some back- story in this film, and these are some of the more poignant moments in the film. Experienced Sam Neill has a small, but tasty, role. So too does Rosamund Pike, who is going to be the voice of Lady Penelope Creighton- Ward in the 'Thunderbirds Are Go! TV series. New girl Tuppence Middleton also delivered in her small role.

A good performance by her here, is surely just the first of many in the future. Director Pascal Chaumeil delivers a good film to us. The shot of a blurry figure in a corridor, reminds of similar iconic shots; Nick Nolte, in the steam, in Chinatown, in '4. HRS' (1. 98. 2), or Clint Eastwood's nameless stranger, riding through the heat- haze in 'High Plains Drifter' (1. However our blurry figure in 'ALWD' is reassuring, without being sinister too.

A good shot, but merely one of many; on holiday, in the hospital, caring, or just walking with head down; all filmed and captured perfectly. If you have seen the trailer, then you will know what to expect. This is a nice light film about a heavy subject. As such it is in fact life enhancing.

Rather like last year's 'We're the Millers', this is a film about a bunch of strangers coming together, and in doing so helping each other to have better future lives. Family drama 'Papadopoulos & Sons' (2. ALWD' has a similar theme. A feel- good movie. Enjoy the film. Enjoy life! A nice movie that may be a bit too much criticized.

Reviewed by. Nikola Penchev. Vote: 8/1. 0I went to the movie with no idea what I was about to see. Genuinely had no idea about the plot and had no expectations at all. Given the above I loved it. While it was entertaining and had that specific British humor which I find nice, it also had some powerful moments.

At the end it made me think about the kind of problems people face in their lives without making me sad like most of the movies that cover similar topics. I'm glad I went to it. Well spent money. I would advice the audience to just see it like I did - without even checking the plot and the actors.

Not knowing what it's all about made the experience a bit better in my opinion. Enjoyable, respecting the mood of the book. Reviewed bysimona gianotti. Vote: 7/1. 0If you have read the novel by Nick Hornby, you will recognize the same ironic mood in the picture, where making fool of ourselves and of our small/big tragedies seems to be the only way to go on and not down. The comic hilarious side and the more dramatic one blend together without ever clashing and it is impossible not to identify oneself with the contrasting and sometimes simultaneous tendency of the characters to get depressed and to smile at life at the same time. I enjoyed the performance of all the group, especially Toni Colette who is always able to interpret her characters with such authenticity. And if you have not read the book, the movie may offer an occasion also to you to spend some enjoyable time.