Anne Of Green Gables: The Sequel Full Movie

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Kindred spirits the world over are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the beloved Anne of Green Gables, which premiered on CBC in December of 1985 (and in America. Lucy Maud Montgomery's novel Anne of Green Gables, previously filmed in 1934, was afforded a TV-movie treatment in 1985. Megan Follows stars as 13-year-old Anne. Based on the international best-selling novel, this Emmy Award winning mini-series follows the enchanting life of the imaginative orphan Anne Shirley.

Spirited Facts About the 'Anne of Green Gables' Miniseries. Kindred spirits the world over are celebrating the 3. Anne of Green Gables, which premiered on CBC in December of 1.

Anne Of Green Gables: The Sequel Full Movie

America the following year). The four- hour miniseries was adapted from Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic 1.

Here are a few things you might not have known about the miniseries. 1. DIRECTOR KEVIN SULLIVAN HADN’T READ THE BOOK BEFORE HE BOUGHT THE RIGHTS. Though he was aware of Anne of Green Gables—and vaguely remembered his teacher reading it to his class in fifth grade—Sullivan (who wrote, directed, and produced the miniseries) hadn’t read the book when he was approached by Robert Mc.

Donald, president of the Learning Corporation, about making a film version of the novel in the early 1. I thought, ‘Hmm that could be interesting,’” Sullivan recalled.

But even then, he didn’t read the book: “I went and contacted the publisher in New York about the rights to Anne of Green Gables, and .. At the end of it all, I was able to put the pieces together and actually turn it into a television production.”2. SULLIVAN FLESHED OUT ANNE’S BACKSTORY. Montgomery’s novel begins with Rachel Lynde watching Matthew Cuthbert drive a buggy to the train station—where he’s going to pick up an orphan boy, but comes back with Anne instead. Sullivan wanted to go beyond that. I needed to know who she was before she was brought to Prince Edward Island,” he said.

I could only imagine that a child who had that kind of flamboyant imagination had to have already created her own world of escape and that she must have been extremely lonely and extremely downtrodden.”So he and co- writer Joe Wiesenfeld started Anne’s story with the cranky Mrs. Hammond and her brood of children, who are mentioned briefly in the book. What I tried to do,” Sullivan said, “was go back several stages in Anne’s life and depict a world that had aspects of severity and cruelty, and that by the time she reached Prince Edward Island, it was like coming to a dream world.”3. KATHARINE HEPBURN SUGGESTED HER NIECE BE CAST AS ANNE.“One day, out of the blue, I had a call from Katharine Hepburn,” Sullivan recalled.

The actress had wanted to play Anne Shirley in the 1. Montgomery’s book, and was disappointed it hadn’t happened. She offered me an idea,” Sullivan said. She asked me to go to California and to meet with her niece, Schuyler Grant, and to audition her .. Schuyler was terrific.” (You can see photos of Grant as Anne here.) But the film’s financiers, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Telefilm Canada, wanted a Canadian actress to play Anne—so they encouraged Sullivan to search the nation for a Canadian actress to play the part. 4.

IT TOOK A YEAR TO FIND THE RIGHT ANNE. Sullivan’s search took him across the country, from Newfoundland to Vancouver. I quickly realized through the process that I was not going to find Anne of Green Gables sitting in a field in Saskatchewan—that I really needed someone who was a seasoned performer that would have the ability to play Anne,” he said.

He auditioned 3. 00. Megan Follows, near the beginning of that process. But she looked too old, and her first audition “was almost too contemporary,” he said. I brought Megan back to do another audition, and this was a real screen test in costume, and the first test that she did really was mediocre.”. Despite the mediocrity, Sullivan eventually called her back again. But there were technical problems with the tape of her second audition, so he asked her to come back yet again. Follows was preparing to leave for a flight to Los Angeles and didn’t have much time—and then, just as she was about to leave, the toilet in her house began to overflow.

It’s spewing over through the floorboards and onto the light fixtures in the downstairs,” she recalled. There was water pouring out, I’m running out the door, and we’ve tried a plunger; nothing’s working.

I got [to the audition] pretty haggled and harassed and finally it just seemed to click .. The piece, it seemed to work much better .. I just needed to be harassed.”Sullivan agreed. She was so beside herself and so flummoxed .. Watch A Crack In The Floor Online. Grant, meanwhile, was cast as Diana, Anne’s best friend, and Miranda de Pencier—who had also auditioned to play Anne—was cast as Anne’s frenemy Josie Pye. MEGAN FOLLOWS REALLY WANTED THE PART.“When I knew that it was going, and that they were going to do it, I kept thinking, ‘If they’re going to make Anne of Green Gables, then I really want to play her,’ because she is one of the most important Canadian characters there are, and one of the best characters for young girls and women that was ever written,” Follows said.

I started writing down on paper all these declarations: … ‘I am Anne of Green Gables’ … and I stuck them all over the house. I was determined to get this part.”The actress felt some pressure after she was cast as the iconic character, too. I have to do the best I can do and make it real for me,” she said. I may not be the Anne of Green Gables for some people and I may be for others, so I just have to be the Anne for this production.” Follows, of course, would go on to be the image of Anne for young girls of a certain generation. 6. SOME FILMING TOOK PLACE BEFORE FOLLOWS WAS EVEN CAST.

Those wide shots of Anne in the fall and winter? That’s not Follows; that’s a double. Follows hadn’t yet been cast when the scenes were filmed.

Similarly, some shots of Matthew were doubles because Richard Farnsworth was in negotiations for the role but hadn’t yet signed on (you can see Farnsworth’s double in the scene where Matthew and the doctor arrive at the Barry’s house when Diana’s sister, Minnie May, has croup).“I always think, ‘What would have happened if we hadn’t gotten Richard Farnsworth to do the film?’” Sullivan said in DVD commentary. We never would have been able to use these sequences. It was a bit of gamble trying to cast and shoot with a double before we’d finalized the arrangements with him to play in the film.” Doubles were also used for Farnsworth and Colleen Dewhurst (who played Marilla Cuthbert) in certain scenes when the actors couldn’t make shooting days; their close- ups and reaction shots were filmed later. COLLEEN DEWHURST WAS EAGER TO PLAY MARILLA.“It was really the first book I ever remembered my mother reading to me,” she said.

Of course, that was after the bunny rabbit books and everything.” Dewhurst took the part even though her agent advised her against it. JONATHAN CROMBIE ALMOST WASN’T CAST AS GILBERT. Sullivan told the CBC in 1. Gilbert when casting director Diane Polley saw Crombie perform in a high school production of The Wizard of Oz. He remembered in DVD commentary that Polley “walked into my office one day with a photograph of him and said ‘This is Gilbert.’ But it was a photograph of him in front of some ride at Disneyland. And I said, ‘He looks perfect,’ and she said, ‘Cast him, now.’”So Crombie came in and read for the part. I thought, I’ll go down, give it a shot, see what it’s like,” he told the CBC.

I] walked in with my little photo .. I gave it a shot, and didn’t think much of it, and I found out a few days later that I got it. I was shaking on the phone when she told me.”It was his first on- screen role. I’d never been in front of a camera before,” he said.

It was straight from high school plays to this. As far as expectations, I really didn’t have many. I was just going to take it as it came.”9. VERY LITTLE FILMING TOOK PLACE ON PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Montgomery's book is set on the island, but it was too expensive to do much filming there. Instead, most of the filming for Anne took place around Southern Ontario in locations that Sullivan felt looked the most like Prince Edward Island, and the production dyed the roads red to mimic PEI’s scarlet soil. Among the locations used were Westfield Heritage Village in Hamilton, Ontario, which stood in for Avonlea; Doon Heritage Village in Kitchener, Ontario, where scenes at Rachel Lynde’s house were filmed; and Simcoe County Museum in Barrie, Ontario, where a schoolhouse from 1.

FTC Gives Green Light for Amazon to Buy Whole Foods. The Federal Trade Commission, the US government body in charge of consumer protection and investigating anti- competitive marketplace practices, has announced that it will not stand in the way of Amazon’s plan to merge with Whole Foods. In a statement posted to the FTC’s website on Wednesday, acting director Bruce Hoffman wrote the agency had investigated the matter and determined the planned $1. The FTC conducted an investigation of this proposed acquisition to determine whether it substantially lessened competition under Section 7 of the Clayton Act, or constituted an unfair method of competition under Section 5 of the FTC Act,” Hoffman wrote.

Based on our investigation we have decided not to pursue this matter further. Of course, the FTC always has the ability to investigate anticompetitive conduct should such action be warranted.”As noted by the Wall Street Journal, the move is essentially a green light for Amazon to move forward with its purchase—and potentially muscle its way into the grocery sector. Whole Foods investors approved the plan the same day, making it pretty much inevitable now. The Washington Post added the FTC’s decision flies in the face of President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly said Amazon does not pay taxes—it does, though is remarkably adept at shifting its tax burden overseas—and suggested it has an antitrust problem. Per CNBC, the combined Amazon- Whole Foods would control just 1.

US grocery market, though it would likely have a disproportionate impact on its future. Amazon has largely avoided antitrust scrutiny by arguing it competes on price and quality, not abuse of its market position, though critics have repeatedly warned buying a major brick- and- mortar chain could be a prelude to another type of anti- competitive behavior: pricing its competitors out of the market before taking over those retail sectors. Amazon’s dominance has spooked some competitors into banding together to resist it, per the New York Times: Walmart and Google have begun banding together to sell products via Google Express, though it’s not clear the move will have any impact.[Ars Technica, Wall Street Journal].