Don`T Change Your Husband Movie Watch Online

  1. I am one of those husbands who likes to see his wife flirt with other men. When I initially told my wife about my little fetish she was shocked.
  2. Dear Alesha, I am right there with you girl!!! I am still praying for my husband even though he divorced me and left the state where we (his family) live.

How To Maintain Your Marriage When Your Husband Travels - Part 2. In Part 1 – I laid out all my personal struggles with my husband traveling…the loneliness, the hardships of having to manage the children and emergencies alone, the fears and exhaustion and even the underlying bitterness from seeing other couples together while we were apart. I was honestly surprised by the response! I had no idea there were so many of us out there experiencing the SAME thing. I mentioned that I “felt” like a single mom…but I’m NOT.  Single moms do not have a provider or a man coming home soon to father their children.  I cannot pretend to know the depth of their trials.  The small taste I have had of running the show alone gives me a deep respect for single moms across the globe who daily press on for the sake of their children.  You all amaze me! Jack Irish: Dead Point Online Putlocker. I wish I could give you a long hug and look you in the eye and say - “God is with you, keep leaning on him for strength.  He has helped me and I know he will help you too.”}Now let’s turn the tables and take a look at our husbands. Why are they traveling?  To work…to provide a paycheck, home, clothes and food for their family. This is a good and noble thing.  I Timothy 5: 8 says, If anyone does not provide for his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

So our husbands working is a good thing and don’t let the critics steal that honor from your husband. Is traveling easier than the work we do at home while they are gone? I tend to focus on the one steak dinner he had and forget the other 4 nights he had Burger King}…It’s not easy catching flights, sitting in airports for hours trapped, or driving long distances sometimes late into the night in snow storms, finding their hotel and living out of a suitcase for a week, hearing about their child’s little league games and carrying the guilt of having to miss them.  Then there’s the actual business they are carrying out while they are gone –a man’s work has many challenges including dealing with co- workers whose personalities are hard, customers who can be difficult to please, or bosses who are less than reasonable.  Sometimes the work they went to do goes sour – the deal falls through or the project they were working on is a failure…And they come home to us – tired and exhausted. But what they find is their wife –tired and exhausted too.

And if we aren’t careful, this is a recipe for a disaster in marriage.  I’ve been there – I’ve been ready to break out for the weekend and party! And he just wants to watch football all. Hold it right there mister!  You mean you leave all week and I support your endeavors and now you are not catering to me and my desires!!!  Let World War 3 begin!!!! Marriage takes team work and for it to work we have to get ON our husband’s team. We have to look outside our selfish desires and look to the needs of our husband.  I think it is important that we do voice our needs…but if we are voicing them to the point of WW3…then pull back.  Let it go for a while.

Here’s is how we have maintained our marriage while my husband is away: 1.  We talk daily. Every single night that my husband is out of town we talk on the phone.  We usually call him before the kids are in bed and he talks to each of them and they share their favorite part of their day and chat a little.  Then after the kids are in bed – we talk.  Our norm is to talk for about 1 hour.  Some nights he can’t – so we talk 5 minutes – other nights we get carried away and talk 2 hours. But we NEVER go a day without talking. I choose to not get bitter.  Bitterness can creep into every crevice that you allow!  Banish it!  I do not waste energy dreaming of him being here and or how our lives would be better if he didn’t travel.  This is my life and I will choose joy. I Choose contentment.  The grass will always seem greener if you choose to envy other people’s grass.  But rather than looking around at everyone else, I have to work on watering and fertilizing my own grass to keep it green and choosing contentment is the first step. I’m thankful for a working man.  So many women long to have a good man in their life who loves them and their children and who is willing to work and bring a pay check home.  Be thankful your man is out slaying dragons for his family. I take care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally.  I learned long ago that no one was going to say to me “sit down and take a break” or “go take a bubble bath and read a good book.”  I had to choose to make sure that I took care of myself so I had more to give to my kids while my husband was away.  For a short season in life, I even got a babysitter to come one day a week for just 3 hours while my kids napped in the afternoon.  I used these three hours to run a few errands without kids attached to my hip and then I always ended with 3.

Don`T Change Your Husband Movie Watch Online

Starbucks or the library reading a good book.  I was pro- active and I blessed myself. FREE and a great stress reliever!!!)5.  Turn to God for all your needs.  This is a BIG one!  I know what’s like to feel lonely.  Job and Elijah felt so alone they wanted to die. Jeremiah wished he had never even been born. Satan can use this time to enter sinful thoughts into our minds such as self pity, self- centeredness, bitterness, anger, and jealousy.

We may attempt to put a band aid on the pain by turning to the television, alcohol, shopping, binge eating, or excessive computer time.  But, the only comfort I ever found was in releasing my needs to God in prayer and then trusting God. It has been in my trusting and delighting – that God has filled the God shaped hole inside of me, to the brim. 6.  We’re his greatest fans!  Before my husband leaves I always know his schedule.  Daily the children and I pray over the specific meetings, challenges, customers and appointments he has.  This keeps me feeling like I’m on the same team.  I like to help him pack and plan his clothes for whatever challenges he is going to face that week. When the children were little and had no understanding of time, we would count down “sleeps” until daddy was home.  If there were 3 days left till he’d be home, I’d say three more sleeps till daddy’s home.  If they were still nappers, I’d say 6 more sleeps until daddy’s home. And I try to look on the bright side…for me, when he travels that means I can spend all evening on my computer socializing and blogging! Lol!  God has used my husband’s travels for good.

This blog was born out of my loneliness. Instead of being sad – find something you love and pour yourself into it and when the hard times come, keep turning to Jesus. He is ALWAYS with you and there for you. He loves you so. **Chime In: How do you maintain your marriage while your husband is away? Watch I`M In Love With A Church Girl Online Hitfix on this page. Walk with the King, Are you desperate to find joy in your walk with God, marriage, parenting and home…I wrote this book for you.

President Donald Trump hates leaks. Well, he hates leaks about himself. The president is 100 percent fine with giving secrets to Russian officials in the Oval Office.

Don`T Change Your Husband Movie Watch OnlineDon`T Change Your Husband Movie Watch Online

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