National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Full Movie Part 1

National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Full Movie Part 1National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Full Movie Part 1

John Lear - UFOs and Aliens. Startling Revelations Concerning the Subject of Aerial Phenomena and UFOs. ART BELL INTERVIEW OF JOHN LEAR1. INTRODUCTION: John Lear, retired airline captain, with over 1. Son of Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear, John is the only pilot to hold every. FAA airplane certificate, to include airplane transport rating, flight. He flew secret missions for the CIA in Central and Southeast Asia, Eastern.

If elected, Clinton says she’ll “get to the bottom” of Area 51, long suspected to be a cover for alien activity on Earth. This timeline presents events related to this site, with links to pertinent parts of it, and some Wikipedia links : Event.

National Geographic: CIA Secret Experiments Full Movie Part 1

Elected governments are false fronts coordinated by a global shadow government. $1/per show - a $52.00-donation Support Black Op Radio for the 2017 season-----.

Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1. He has flown as. Captain and check pilot for over 1. John held 1. 7 world records including speed around the world in a Lear. Jet Model 2. 4, set in 1.

He was presented with the PATCO award for. Symons Wave memorial. He was the. youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in Switzerland in 1. Americas Cup boat, the Soliloquy, out of Marina. Del Rey. In 1. 96. John raced a Douglas B2.

Invader in the unlimited class at the. Reno air races.   He was a Senior Vice Commander of the China Post 1, the American Legion.

Post for Soldiers of Fortune. He is a 2. 0 year member of the special. Association. John is the current owner and operator of the only permitted gold mine. Cutthroat Mining Corporation in Clarke County, Nevada. His efforts. to clean up the Treasure Hawk Gold Butte mine won him the state of Nevada.

John is a MSHA. (Mine, Safety, and Health Administration) and holds a blaster license from. Nevada certified mining instructor from the Nevada State Fire Marshall. John's passion for the preservation and documentation of the history. Gold Butte  has made him a authority on the area.

John has been a resident of Las Vegas since 1. State Senate candidate in 1. John has 4 daughters, 2 grandchildren, and lives with his wife in Las.

Vegas. - Las Vegas businesswoman, Mary Lee Lear in Sunrise Manor. In 1. 98. 8, John met and became friends with Bob Lazar, the government scientist. UFOs at area S- 4. That's just outside the infamous and.

Area 5. 1. In March 1. Lazar took John to an area close to Rachel Nevada where.

Lazar told him. it would occur. Two weeks later on another UFO spying mission, John, Lazar and 3 others. CAUGHT folks) - and the next day.

Lazar lost his job at the government program for that. Lazar has been branded by many as a fraud, a charge to. John responds, " Those who say that Lazar was a fraud simply don't. I was there - they. During the late 1. John tracked down and found the Army Intelligence.

Analyst who read, probably by accident, the U. S. government report Grudge. U. S. UFO coverup and details of saucer. Velvet Goldmine Full Movie In English. That's HANDLING). The report included clear photographs of these recovered extraterrestrial. That's BEINGS) found inside. It further detailed how.

John spent time poking around other UFO related areas to include Dulce. Secora, Aztec, Alamagorda, Albuquerque, Los Alamos and Bentwaters airbase. London. Since that time, John has learned many incredible and interesting facts.

Mars, huge extraterrestrial. Saturn, the incredible but secret agenda of Apollo.

Taurus- Littrow Highlands called Nansen. NASA Photo ID: AS1. File Name: 1. 00. Showtime Full Succubus: The Demon Online Free. Film Type: 7. 0mm Date Taken: 1. Title: View of lunarscape at Station 4 with Astronaut Schmitt working. LRV Description: A view of the lunarscape at Station 4 (Shorty Crater) showing. Scientist- Astronaut Harrison H.

Schmitt working at the lunar roving vehicle. LRV) during the second. EVA- 2) at the Taurus- Littrow landing site. Lunar landing site: 2. N, 3. 0. 8 E )This is the area where Schmitt first spotted the orange soil. Orange soil is clearly visible on either side of the rover in this picture. Shorty Crater is to the right.

The peak in thecenter background is Family Mountain. A portion of South Massif is on the horizon at the left edge. NOTE: The Valley of Taurus- Littrow The image linked. Pan Camera frame AS1. South Massif at the. Sculptured Hills at the lower left.

The North Massif. Henry Crater is the rightmost of the three large. This orientation. Station 6 high resolution. See also the. version of this frame. The distance from Station 6 above Henry to the.

LM is 3. 5 km; to Bear Mountain, about 8 km; and to the outcrop noted in 2. Scans by Ron Wells. Apollo 1. 7 Pan Camera frame AS1.

Details The frame was taken on December 1. GMT during CSM. Rev 1. In terms of the mission time, the photo.

Gene and Jack started. EVA. John Pfannerstill has scanned three portions. In the central area around the LM, the largest crater is Camelot at the. A labeled version highlights the LM and Poppie.

In the area north. LM, covering the EVA- 3 traverse, Henry is the large crater at the. North Massif just above and to the right of the center of the. In the area west of the LM, covering the EVA- 2 traverse, Nansen is. Camelot is at the right edge above center, and Shorty. Camelot diameter. Version. Art Bell continues John Lears biography: John Lear suspects that Venus does not have the sulfuric acid atmosphere.

John Lear believes that the government has very good reasons for their. He also believes that the government never, ever intends to released any. UFO information and if forced to say anything, will obscure, tangle and weave. Asked outright if the public has a right to know these facts, John says. No! They don't!"Why?

Because!" was his admittedly evasive answer. Then why, after 1. John Lear talking once again. U. S. population don't believe that.

Roswell happened."I certainly do not represent a threat to this kind of security", he. Start of Interview between Art Bell and John Lear: A= Art Bell. J = John Lear. A - Other than the fact that we got in touch once again John, I really. Why! After 1. 0 years, why break your silence now?

Welcome! J - Thank you Art, You mean I could have said, "No!" ? A - laughs heartily - Yeah! Too late! laughs again. Yeah! You could have.

No! Sure!  I'm - I'm serious - Why after 1. J - Well you know, the government in charge of this coverup, - uh - works.

I quit and my life - the quality of my life improved about. But now, the coverup is so well in place, that they certainly would. I know. A - Yeah!

Well, you lost jobs because of this, right? J - Yeah - I lost two. I lost one with an airline and one with a government. I really wanted. It was with Lockheed, and they went for my. John Lear ever get another clearance. Now - I had a clearance up at.

I did with Dyn- electron - it was just monitoring. I managed to survive. A - Um - all right!

You know - before we launch into the whole spectrum. John, uh - when you and I were on the phone.

I'd really would like. Uh - you have a perspective on the 9/1. I mean - everybody can make up their own minds about. So how about it? J - Well!