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Remember When Hank Williams Jr. Called In A Military Strike On The United States?
When I was a little kid, my parents got me a Monday Night Football video game for the PC. It was no Tecmo Bowl, but it was great. What I liked even more about it was. Gizmodo has a livestream on our Facebook. NASA is streaming the solar eclipse on its Facebook page. CNN is also livestreaming on Facebook. Twitter. Twitter is. Researchers placed mobile phones in bee hives under controlled conditions and found the phone signals confused the bees who began to fly erratically before suddenly.
When I was a little kid, my parents got me a Monday Night Football video game for the PC. It was no Tecmo Bowl, but it was great. What I liked even more about it was what it came with: A 4. VHS tape about the then- 2. MNF. I must’ve watched that tape 1.
After a series of highlights, the tape opens with Hank Williams Jr. Monday Night Football theme and asking us all one question: “Are you ready for some football?” It was a special song for the tape, and I still remember the lyrics: I’ve seen Morton through Elway/ Fran the Scrambler too/ And everybody witnessed what The Fridge could do. Watch Long Shot Online Ibtimes. Though one year ABC tried using a different artist each week for the theme, for the most part from 1. Hank Williams Jr.’s “All My Rowdy Friends Are Here on Monday Night” was the theme of Monday Night Football.
Qatar is a tiny, obscenely wealthy country/U.S. military base in the Persian Gulf that has, justifiably so, become synonymous of late with dynastic oligarchism.
Watch "NYPD To File Rape Case Against Weinstein", a CBSN video on View more CBSN videos and watch CBSN, a live news stream featuring original CBS News. Vanishing glories of suburbia: Front gardens - once many Britons' pride and joy - are being paved over at a terrifying rate with dire consequences.
Then in 2. 01. 1 Williams went on Fox News and said, of President Barack Obama playing golf with John Boehner, “That would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. Not hardly. In the shape this country is in?”He got canned by ESPN, which was airing MNF by this point, though Williams said he was quitting, actually. We now live in a country where the president once bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy,” so I guess it doesn’t matter what Hank said six years ago. Tonight, he returns to Monday night! I don’t know much about Hank Williams Jr., other than his talented father and his songs about his rowdy friends coming over, watching football, and later settling down. But I do like his MNF theme. It reminds me of being a football- obsessed kid.
It reminds me that I should invite my rowdy (or possibly my mild- mannered friends) over for football on Monday nights. And I enjoy how the opening is often completely fucking bonkers. Take the 2. 0th anniversary video I watched so much as a kid.
The intro features a group of fireman who are steamed a fire call is interrupting their viewing of an NFL game, as well as a bunch of grannies who root for football with props! But no Monday Night Football video beats the one from the mid- 1. Hank Williams Jr.
United States mainland that destroys several national monuments. I’m not kidding. Please watch the entire video above. What is your favorite part? Is it when a fighter jet vaporizes the Washington Monument and turns it into a pair of football goalposts? Or perhaps it’s when the fighter jets alter the Statue of Liberty and make her so she’s celebrating a touchdown instead of offering a beacon to the world? Or maybe it’s the ending, where a group of fighter jets destroys Mount Rushmore and replaces the four presidents with Frank Gifford, Al Michaels and Dan Dierdorf (though Dan kind of looks like Joe Paterno)? I’m sure Hank Williams Jr.
Colin Kaepernick, though he’ll probably keep them to himself now that he has his Monday Night Football gig back. Personally, I am for dissent. I believe protest is an effective tool to improve America. I do not think people who protest are unpatriotic.
If you disagree with Mount Rushmore or the Washington Monument, then fine. That is your right. However—and I don’t want to get too political here—calling in an airstrike to destroy three national monuments absolutely crosses a line.
Vanishing glories of suburbia: Gardens paved over for cars. The biggest vandal in Britain over the past century has been the car. For proof, just look at these heartbreaking photographs assembled by the Old Streets picture project. They come from the Francis Frith Archive, a fine collection of historical photographs of Britain. The new pictures are taken from Google Street View. The changes are huge and horrifying.
The trim front gardens, trees and garden walls of Como Street in Romford, on the eastern fringes of London, in 1. Elmscott Gardens, Enfield: In 1. Now the shrubs and lawns have vanished under block paving. In Elmscott Gardens, Enfield, the neat walled and hedged front plots of 1.
Throughout the suburbs of London, front gardens have been torn out at an unprecedented rate. Since 2. 00. 5, more than three million front gardens have been paved over, claims the Royal Horticultural Society. Of the 1. 9. 1 million front gardens across the country, five million — more than a quarter — have no plants, while at least seven million are mostly paved. These are shocking statistics for a supposed nation of gardeners. This decline reflects the relentless rise in the number of cars on the road: from 2.
RAC Foundation. But a host of other factors — from the introduction of wheelie bins to council parking restrictions and even the boom in buy- to- let properties, whose tenants often have no interest in gardening — have only exacerbated matters. Como Street, Romford: In the Essex suburbs of 1. And now? Just acres of paving. The result is rows of soulless, barren streets, devoid of the greenery that used to be such a feature of suburban life. B ut this is not just an aesthetic disaster. It is an environmental one as well.
There is widespread evidence that paving over front gardens has contributed greatly to flooding disasters in this country because lawns and flowerbeds, which used to absorb water, have been replaced by impermeable paving, concrete and Tarmac. In London, a 2. 01. Wildlife has also suffered. Bees and other pollinating insects benefit from nectar- producing flowers in front gardens, while trees, shrubs and hedges provide nesting sites for birds. Burleigh Gardens, Southgate: Tree- lined in 1. Hedges of hardy evergreens such as privet, yew and laurel also provide sound insulation and privacy and absorb street pollutants, while thorned varieties can deter burglars.
Today, 8. 4 per cent of us live in suburbia. When we started migrating there in our millions, from the late 1. Britain for our own little Eden with airy accommodation and greenery — and, in particular, for a house with a front and back garden.'That universal sense of a garden for everyman — for people regardless of occupation or status — is peculiarly British,' says Sir Roy Strong, the historian and gardening writer, who was brought up in a Twenties suburb in North London.'It was an invention of the Victorian age when the population trebled in a century. Everyman was given a precious plot of earth in which to plant flowers and cultivate produce, a place to sit in the shade or in the sun, resting from his labours, escaping from the grim side of urban life to look at the petals unfolding or the fruit ripening.'The suburbs are about privacy, about the Englishman's belief that his home is his castle,' he adds — literally so, where mock Tudor beams, crenellations and turrets are part of the design. South Street, Braintree, Essex: In 1.
Now the townscape is dominated by cars, vans and soulless street furniture. Sir Roy remembers the pride and almost competitive keep- up- with- the- Joneses spirit that almost all these new homeowners displayed over their suburban abodes.'I recall my father clipping the green privet hedge in front of the house,' he recalls. From the porch, hanging baskets would be suspended. Every evening there was the ritual watering.'The border round the front lawn was planted with antirrhinums and edged with white and blue alyssum and lobelias.'Alas, those watering, pruning and planting rituals are vanishingly rare today in Britain's front gardens. The pride has disappeared.
The beauty, silence and privacy that front gardens afforded have been ripped away with the torn- up lawn and grubbed- up hedge. And, as these pictures show, a refuge that was once so green, peaceful and thoroughly British has been killed stone dead. Pictured research: Thomas Mc.