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Viral photo of white woman with Muslim family in NYCOver the holiday weekend, a photo that people are saying is a representation of what makes America great has gone viral on social media. Actress Rachel Mac. Knight captured a touching moment between two families with different backgrounds while riding on New York City's subway system on July 2. She snapped a photo of a smiling white woman holding her baby as a Muslim family leaned in and grinned back at the child and mother. Mac. Knight captioned the post: 'This is what makes America great', and more than 5.

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A photo of a white mother holding her baby while a Muslim family smiled back at the child has gone viral for what people claim to be a representation of what makes America great. The photo was taken on a New York City subway car on July 2.

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Actress Rachel Mac. Knight captured the touching moment between the two families. Mac. Knight took the picture while she was riding the C train and the tweet has been shared more than 1. Twitter. She wrote: 'Thiiiiiis is what makes America great. Happy 4th of July, y'all', followed by two heart emojis. Many Twitter users quickly took to the social media platform to celebrate the moment, saying they were proud to be American because of moments like this that welcomes diversity. One wrote: 'You are so right!

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This is what America is all about'!'Another added: 'THIS is #America! We [love] NYC! Always try 2 stay in diverse places.' One man made a political statement and said: 'This has nothing to do with left vs. And it's beautiful.' Some people shared their own interactions with people from different backgrounds from them, saying how wonderful it is when people come together. User Rarefied.

Alien said: 'Was at the store to buy some curry and a Muslim couple approached me. They gave me tips on how to prepare it. I felt like hugging them'  Twitter users took to the social media platform to celebrate the moment, saying they were proud to be American because of moments like this that welcomes diversity. However, others claimed that people shouldn't commend the photo because inclusion and acceptance should already be the norm. User Tallie. Saiyan wrote: 'Sad that pictures likes these are needed to make people realize what's great about America. Watch Citizen Soldier Online Hollywoodreporter here. It's 2. 01. 7. We should have moved past that long ago.' Another woman added: 'Simple human interactions are something amazing?

Oh wow a brown person is playing with a white lady's baby. Faith in humanity restored!" Smfh.'  @Ginjer_Snap chimed in and said: 'So because people sit together on a train, America is great??? Wow, the bar is low.'  However, others claimed that people shouldn't commend the photo because inclusion and acceptance should be normal A similar moment of people from different backgrounds went viral in April. A Taoist, a Hasidic couple and a Muslim mom were snapped living peacefully on the F train in NYCOver the past few months, images praising diversity and openness between different religions and races have gone viral. In April, a similar moment was captured on a New York City subway car. A Taoist shared a heartwarming photo of a Hasidic couple scooting over on a subway train so they could make room for a Muslim mother feeding her baby. The man who took the pictures, Jackie Summers, said he gave up his seat to the Hasidic couple on the F train in New York City on Easter Sunday. The F train runs from Brooklyn, through Manhattan and into Queens. He wrote on his blog and Facebook: 'A Taoist (me) gives up his seat so a Hasidic couple could sit together.

They scoot over so a Muslim mother could sit and nurse her baby, on Easter Sunday.'This is my America: people letting people be people.' 'THIS is what makes America great and these days I've been struggling to find ways to feel good about America,' wrote Lisa Smith Zwart. Thank you for restoring a little of my faith in humanity today, Jackie.'The country has been divided since the presidential election over immigration policies, including a planned wall along the Mexican border and extreme vetting for people coming from primarily Muslim countries. There has been a reported uptick in hate crimes, including Jewish cemeteries that have been vandalized in New York and Philadelphia, and mosques that have been reported vandalized across the country. Heartwarming photos have captured the moment a white little girl mistook a black bride as the princess from her favorite storybook in June In mid- June, a heartwarming exchange went viral between a white little girl who thought a black bride was the princess from her favorite book. The toddler had been out for a walk with her mother in Seattle when the pair spotted a bride leaving a church after getting married. Thanks to her glamorous bridal gown the newlywed was easily mistaken for fairy- tale royalty by the child. Much to the toddler and her mother's, joy the bride was happy to go along with the story, spending several minutes chatting to her young 'fan'.

The photos went viral and many commented it was touching. One Twitter user wrote: 'The sweet innocence of a child . What happens to us as adults that such innocence should be replaced with greed and intolerance.' Two strangers riding on a New York City subway car popped open a full bottle of wine after it rolled out from underneath their seats in February And in February, two strangers, one black and one white, riding on a New York City subway car said cheers and popped open a full bottle of bubbly after it rolled out from underneath their train seats. The commuters happily shared the booze while riding on the subway in Manhattan after they discovered the unopened bottle. One of the men even found an empty Hennessy liquor bottle on the train to pour the alcohol into and raised his makeshift glass to his newfound drinking friend.

A woman sitting across from the men shared the moment on Twitter and described it as a 'peak New York City' moment.