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Stupid Tweets That Got Actors In Serious Trouble. Ah, Tweets. 1. 40 characters of mindless stupidity that can either earn accolades and appreciation from the fans or put someone into some serious hot water. With a Commander in Chief constantly tapping out whatever jumps through his head, often in the wee hours of the morning, Twitter has been one of those places people tend to put their feet in their mouths or just get into a lot of trouble. It isn’t just politicians like former Congressman Anthony Weiner who Tweeted a picture of his… well, you know.

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Regular people tap out random things all the time and while some folks have gotten fired over Tweets, we tend to focus more of our attention of those we celebrate, particularly actors. They have the spotlight and they tend to use it. You might find one actor or actress talking about their political ideologies or even doing some good to support disaster relief, world hunger, or to bring attention to a worthwhile cause. Watch Monster Pies 4Shared. Then, there are these people.

Sometimes you just want to watch them on the screen and not have to hear what the actual person has to say but Twitter has given us all a platform, even those of us who should only say the things other people have written down for them. We went through some of the dumbest, most racist, mind- numbingly idiotic Tweets we could find and came up with these 1. Stupid Tweets That Got Actors In Serious Trouble. ASHTON KUTCHERYou know that saying “Ignorance is bliss” and how it refers to not worrying about something you don’t know anything about?

Well, sometimes ignorance and access to a Twitter account with more than 1. That’s exactly what happened to Ashton Kutcher when he tweeted about the firing of former Penn State football Coach Joe Paterno in 2. What Kutcher clearly did not know at the time and just about everyone else did is that Mr. Watch Night Of The Living Dead 3D Dailymotion more.

Paterno wasn’t let go for anything to do with his career, but rather his negligence in allowing Jerry Sandusky, his former defensive coordinator, to sexually assault young boys. Knowing that, it’s easy to see why his Tweet would cause something of an uproar and give Mr. Kutcher cause to watch the news or read a paper before shooting off hashtags #insult and #noclass when talking about a man who was complicit in the sexual abuse of kids.

To his credit, Kutcher quickly apologized and deleted the offensive Tweet, which must have been the right thing to do since he remains one of the most popular people on the social media network. AMANDA BYNESSome people who start out as one of the Nickelodeon’s major players can go on to make quite a name for themselves. Stars like Ariana Grande and Kenan Thompson are only a couple of names on that list, but it seems that on occasion, some people just don’t transition well into adulthood from the small screen. One such person is Amanda Bynes, whose public breakdown saw the young actress charged with multiple DUIs, reckless driving, and other charges to include criminal possession of marijuana.

She was eventually hospitalized for 7. Her Tweets have landed her in trouble for a number of reasons. In 2. 01. 4, she claimed her father sexually assaulted her via Twitter, but later recanted saying he installed a chip in her brain forcing her to make the accusation. Before that, she got a lot of flack and public scrutiny for the series of random and offensive Tweets like the two pictured above. Truly, we could have thrown dozens of weird Tweets of hers on here, but these two were some of the worst. LINDSAY LOHANSpeaking of people who grew up in the spotlight, Lindsay Lohan had an incredible career as a child star but stumbled into adulthood with many of the same problems Ms. Watch Online Watch Entourage Full Movie Online Film on this page.

Bynes has had. She has been charged multiple times with drug possession, DUI, and the like, so it’s no surprise she might have also gotten some negative attention from her Twitter account. For anyone who grew up in Florida or the Gulf Coast, they know fairly well that a hurricane is nothing to joke about. You see one coming, you need to prepare and/or evacuate. There’s nothing wrong with that; preparing for a natural disaster is simply the intelligent thing to do. According to Ms. Lohan, it’s not what anyone should be doing. What’s with all the negativity? She asked why people were in such a panic about hurricane Sandy (She called it Sally).

People should just project positivity and pray for peace! Well, that’s a nice sentiment and all, but shouldn’t people also tape up their windows, have some emergency supplies, and get the heck out of Dodge?

Lohan also complained about flight cancellations via a re. Tweet proving she had no idea what a hurricane actually was. ALEC BALDWINAlec Baldwin has been tearing it up on last season’s Saturday Night Live run as President Donald Trump, but a little while ago, he took some flack for screwing around on a flight. You know how back in the day flight attendants would ask everyone to turn off their cell phones before they could taxi and take off? Fortunately, they got rid of that rule, but when Mr.

Baldwin was aboard a flight waiting to take off, he couldn’t just stop playing Words With Friends so he refused to comply. The pilot actually booted the Beetlejuice star from the flight saying “The passenger was extremely rude to the crew, calling them inappropriate named and using offensive language.”Baldwin Tweeted the pictured message complaining about his ejection and followed up by saying that American Airlines is “Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1. He was heavily criticized for his behavior and public statements made via Twitter. Baldwin recovered quickly from the mishap and went on to play the President of the United States so it wasn’t too damaging to his career in the end. SARAH SILVERMANHave you ever walked down the street in a city and noticed the images in the photo above?

You might have thought they were Swastikas or perhaps you realized that wasn’t the case since they don’t actually look like the symbol of the Nazi party, but rather, look like some kind of surveyor marking. That’s probably because they are surveyor marks, not Swastikas. While Sarah Silverman was walking around on a quest for coffee, she saw the markings, and Tweeted that Neo Nazis could have done a better job had they just queried Google to find out what a Swastika was supposed to look like. This particular Tweet didn’t land the comedienne into serious trouble, but it lined her up for an immense amount of mockery. People began posting images of survey crews and called them Nazis while tagging Silverman.

She came off looking rather stupid, but instead of just making a mistake and moving on, she said her daily anti- Semitic abuse contributed to her misidentification. The negative attention only highlighted her recent anti- Trump rhetoric, which only helped to dilute her message and project more negativity her way.

SELENA GOMEZSelena Gomez has been in and out of the news for years, but rarely skirts much controversy. Then there was the time she threw herself into an online spat between Kanye West and Taylor Swift, her BFF.

In an attempt to deflect, she Tweeted “There are more important things to talk about… Why can’t people use their voice for something that f—–g matters?” This got her into a spat with other stars and resulted in an apology Tweet (pictured) that ended up earning the ire of fans who felt she was being flippant and unsupportive of real issues, like the Black Lives Matter movement.