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On- line Dream Dictionary: In- depth Meaning of Symbols                         Language Translator at the bottom in the footer. Dream Symbol Dictionary                                               "Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - C. Jung                     (To translate this page, see translator below)–Legend–Look for the burning candle that symbolizes something illumniated for greater understanding.

You will find these throughout the website.)Look for the parchment scrolls and click on them. They are portals to a page with deeper meaning.•For those of you who have been here before, there are two (2) new portal jumps as of 2- 1. Check them out. Hint: you might need a little "magic", or "alchemy" to find them. In a dream  all objects and all people represent aspects of your self. The aspects can be those that we reject, embrace or that we have neglected. The dream is all about us. It only appears as though the other objects are different from us.

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Eventually, we wake up and the Dream Body returns to its source–us. Perhaps this is a metaphor for who we are in our waking lives as well. Remember that to be meaningful, these symbols need to resonate for you and should not be taken verbatim.

These are symbols that appear frequently in my dreams and are not by any means all the possible symbols available to the dreamer. Dream Books have been around for centuries (e. Almoli's Pitron Halomot—Interpretation of Dreams—was first published in 1. Earlier versions of dream books tended to reflect a folk etymology such as with earlier Summerians and Jews if one dreamed of an Olive tree the interpretation would depend on whether the fruit was still on the tree ("you will advance in the world"), or after the olives had been harvested ("you will be beaten down." The idea coming from the manner in which olives are harvested e.

Acknowledgment of the value of dreams can be found in all three of the "great" religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All see dreams as communiques from God. For example, in Islam there is a quote, "Dreams of the prophets are divine inspirations." One can also find 1. New Testament. Depending on the sect of each religion the interpretation of dreams is either encouraged or discouraged.

There are sections of the Bible that discourage dream interpretation, considering it a vanity to do so (Ecclesiastes, Ch. God. Of course dream symbols are strongly affected by culture and subculture that includes religion and regional meanings. It is beyond the scope of this web to list all the possible meanings for many of the symbols included here, but feel free to add your own if these don't seem to fit. There are, however, several archetypal dream images that all cultures seem to share by virtue of our common humanity. For an overview of these shared dream images you might want to jump to the following page, "Dream Symbol Archetypes". A clue to dream meaning: The first part of dealing with a dream's meaning after having written it down is to separate out the various images and symbols and then look for themes and connections between these images.

This is opulence. Suddenly, there is extra light blasting from behind my TV screen, making a day-glow title sequence positively atomic. The DreamScreen, a. HJW is an artist from Korea working in the games business. An EF-1 tornado touched down in Salisbury, Maryland on Monday, destroying trees, collapsing a building, and even tossing cars onto their roofs. Here’s a look at.

Go to the page labeled "How to interpret" for more clues. For many of these symbols I've not designated whether it's the dreamer or another person displaying the action, or feeling. This is because all dreams relate to you, the dreamer, either in that the symbols describe some part of you or your relationship with others, but you are the central character in all cases.•••Because I have for many years enjoyed exploring Celtic, Australian Aboriginal, and Native American symbolism, I have used some within the context of other more general symbols.

This is, of course an incomplete list, but will give you a flavor of what awaits you in The Dragon's Treasure. Over the years I have been collecting a number of dream images from the dreams shared by thousands of people as well as those from my own dreams. Over the past year I have been compiling and elaborating on these images in preparation for publishing a codex that should prove useful to any dreamer who wishes to decode the inner world of their dreams. Look for THE BOOK OF DREAMS coming out later this Fall, 2. Aabacus: outdated or old fashion perspective.

  1. Nintendo Switch: The Kotaku Review. The Nintendo Switch is a fascinating new game console built around a novel and well-executed Read more Read.
  2. Welcome to the official website of R.J. Cole, author of The Dragon's Treasure: A Dreamer's Guide to Inner Discovery Through Dream Interpretation. Learn more about the.

Isolation, feeling unwanted, anxiety about losing someone (e. To dream that you are abandoned, suggests that it may be time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your growth.

Let go of your old attitudes. A more direct and literal interpretation of this dream may be that you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. It may stem from a recent loss or a fear of losing a loved one. The fear of abandonment may manifest itself into your dream as part of the healing process and dealing with losing a loved one.

It may also stem from unresolved feelings or problems from childhood. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are feeling neglected or that your feelings are being overlooked. Perhaps the dream is a metaphor that you need to approach life with "reckless abandon" and live more freely.
To abandon others in your dream, may suggest that you are overwhelmed by the problems and decisions in your life. Some mystics have suggested that one needs to abandon their attachments to things, beliefs and ideas in order to see their true self; in order to see reality as it really is. If in ruins, then feelings of hopelessness (see church).

When it happens to you, it's feeling influenced, manipulated, or controlled by another person or event. When you abduct another, it could be your desire to control them. Perhaps you need to let go of something (a feeling, relationship, grudge, something from the past? Intuitive or primordial wisdom self i.

Do you need to be more in touch with your intuitive self? The loss of something new or something that has died, such as a relationship. Perhaps you're blocking your own growth and development?

If someone else in the dream is having an abortion, then perhaps the relationship isn't growing. Could you be feeling inferior to something or someone? If verbally abused in the dream are you feeling victimized?

If an animal is being abused are some of your primal urges/desires being suppressed? If it's a child, is your own inner child being suppressed? Great depth, profound, infinite. If you fear it or are about to fall into it, it might be the fear of losing control or failure or death. It can also represent the unconscious mind, or where the shadows of your personality lay. Anxiousness, unexpected change. This is most likely not a harbinger of doom as in a precognizant dream.

Where might you be avoiding change? Intense social and sexual issues. Watch Silk Stockings Online. Where is your growth and development most intense? This could be a way of the dream to bring attention to something or you bringing attention to yourself. Surrendering, as in "What do you need to give in to?" It could also mean you are falling in love or be a statement about betrayal. There are three stages here, each with their separate symbolism. Young: immaturity or part of you that is opening up.

Middle age: maturity or where do you want to go now? And old age: wisdom. There are archetypes of the old man, old woman, and the child that give meaning to age as well. See archetypes)airplane: Rapid movement across distance, perhaps the leaving things or people behind. Quick change. What kind of change are you in a hurry for?

To add further meaning, note whether you are just boarding the plane, which might indicate the desire for change as opposed to being on the plane as being in the process of change. Note feelings here because they will tell you something about what is going on with you regarding the meaning.

A crashing plane might indicate your concern about failure. Making changes or a desire for something different. It could also be a departure point for something new. An agent of change, magical messenger, conjurer of new things, transformation. alien: Feeling of being an outsider or some part of you that you worry might be strange or different. Watch Kill Ratio Megavideo.